Our answer:
Worldwide the most powerful industrial LED signal beacon
With the introduction of the RDM Ultra Performance we complete the success of the R Series beacons with its most radical representative. 2x - 4x brighter than any other beacon on the signaling market, the RDMUP steps up to compete with the sun.
RDMUP outcompetes everything on the market. With a maximum light intensity of 450 candela (color-dependent), it is the world's brightest industrial LED signal beacon. The focused beam angle enables signaling over particularly long distances for outdoor applications.
At short distance below and above the beacon, staff is protected from glare by an advanced LED focusing method.
The middle beam angle, the brightness is 100%. At 20° from the horizontal, the brightness is reduced to a maximum of 10%.
RDMUP provides safety for outdoor wide distance signaling applications: Logistics / Power Plants / Harbors / Railway signaling on private property / Gates / Large moving equipment / Heavy duty machinery